Saturday, May 26, 2018

It's hot out. Damned near sultry. Put on my shades, sparked up my wheels and went down to the Advance Voting centre and scribbled in my 'X' next to my Party of Choice. I could have been born into a country where I would have no voice, no choice. Instead, I got lucky and was born into a country and a province that lets me speak, write, flail my arms and stomp my feet and foam at the mouth if the mood strikes me, and finally mark my 'X' on a ballot. And being Ontario, Canada ... well .... let's just say the Russians just couldn't be bothered with muckin' up our elections.

Monday, January 02, 1978

Erin District High School - Wellington County Board of Education - Grade 11 - 2nd Semester 1978

MOTHER EARTH - In the spring of 1978, I took a Grade 11 Ecology class and the following year a Grade 12 Ecology class.  In that first ecology class I learned how methane gas and carbon dioxide would allow solar shortwave radiation to penetrate the atmosphere but block the terrestrial longwave radiation (heat)  from escaping.  In other words, the Greenhouse Effect.  Using 2018 as timepost, that was 40 years ago! I am concerned when our political leaders today resist the basic science that high school students from 40 years ago know.